Get it done is a way to crowdsource your events. Originally catered towards people wanting to organize philanthropic events that lacked the resources the concept was 'zoomed-out' to just general event planning. I am currently working on this project in order to become proficient in full stack web development. I am using tools such as React, Swagger, Express, Firebase, AWS and Heroku to name a few.
At Evident ID I was given the task of creating a end-to-end testing framework that could go through critical paths in order to ensure the product being deployed was adequate. Through rigorous code reviews I was able to vastly improve my Javascript abilities and knowledge about proper software architecture. I learned what it was like to work in a fast-paced, result-driven environment.
For my year-long senior project, I was the front-end lead for a web application called “Sheets”. It is a simple, clean way for websites to publish spreadsheet information without having to design a whole interactive spreadsheet. As team we had to overcome many struggles which taught me that creating meaningful software starts at understanding the people on your team.
In python I coded a reinforcement learner that could take historical data from the stock market, use indicators from that data to train itself and then make profitable trades on the stock market in a out-of-sample data.
Using the java-based Processing graphics software I have created an application that lets users create custom graphics visualization that correspond to the amplitudes and frequncies found in music. The app lets you create spirals, lerps and several other unquie shapes that I have created that visualize changes in music.
During my internship at Pegasus CRM I was in the position of front-end Developer. I developed the front-end of a project called Rainmaker. This was tool to show potential earnings for clients willing to switch to a particular service. I used java script libraries like D3, ChartsJS, JQuery and CSS frameworks like bootstrap. I worked with a team of 4 other developers.
This is a Android App that we made for a group project for Object and design Class. The app allows Georgia Tech Students to rate movies and see how their peers rated movies. It includes a login screen that requires correct credentials and a search function that implements the Rotten Tomatoes API. I made this app with 4 other students.
This was a tool created for my information visualization class.
It uses the Java D3 library and showcases the salaries of different Georgia employees.
The data had to parsed and sorted. Everything was done with Javscript.
I created this menu widget to practice my ReactJS development skills.
It was particually frustrating because React made creating the desired animation quite challenging
This is a game I programmed in C for my Computer Organization and Programming Class (CS 2110). It is Frogger that runs on a Virtual GameBoy Advanced. The game uses sprites and. In this class we learned about the Digital Logic, the Von Neumann Model, Machine/Assembly Language and C.
This is a Wordpress site that I used to run for a media company. I setup the server and customized the website to the specifications of the owner. I completely customized the start page using Jquery animation. I also drew all the icons that represeted menu items
In the Fall 2016 semester at Georgia Tech I was in 3600 - Intro to AI. We learned the basics of artificial intelligence and completed the projects in the following 4 fields:
In the Fall 2017 semester at Georgia Tech I was in a survey of Machine Learning class. Here we looked at various algorithms, approaches an applications of machine learing. We studied and wrote research papers on Supervised Learning, Unsupervised learning, Random learning and Reinforcement learning.
This was the final homework assignment for the introduction to OO programming. The class taught Object Orientated principles, basic algorithm, and event driven programming The logic and AI for the chess game was provided. I programmed the event driven animation with Java FX.